Sponsored by Muslim Association Of Southern Indiana For Health Advancement (MASIHA)
Mobile Food Pantry está estacionado en diferentes lugares en diferentes días:
Miércoles de 14 a 15 h
en ECHO 315, Mulberry St, Evansville IN
Viernes a partir de las 3 pm Evansville Inn & Suites
Evansville, IN
Sábados de 10 a 11 h en el interior
Clínica de especialidades gratuita MASIHA
4211 Old State Route 261 Newburgh, IN 47630.
Todos los domingos de 13 a 13:30 h.
en 1301 Mills Avenue, Booneville Indiana 47601.
Todos los domingos de 13:30 a 14:00 horas
en Boone Square, Booneville Indiana 47601.
Entrega de alimentos no perecederos
Si desea donar productos enlatados no perecederos, comuníquese con nosotros y estaremos encantados de recogerlos en su ubicación. Si necesita un horario específico, contáctenos completando nuestro contacto de, nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible. Si elige vernos en acción, lleve productos no perecederos a nuestras ubicaciones donde estamos estacionados y déjelos. Estaremos encantados de atender cualquier solicitud especial.
MFP Helping Afghan Refugees in Owensboro, KY
Rain or Shine our volunteers are dedicated to fight against food insecurity in the Tri-State area.
Young & dedicated volunteers, serving with respect and humility.
En mobilefoodpantry, nuestro objetivo es único; para hacer nuestra parte para que nuestra comunidad esté libre de hambre. Nuestro proceso de toma de decisiones se basa en la necesidad de nuestra comunidad local y estamos tratando de combatir la inseguridad alimentaria en el área de los tres estados.
Food Pantry ha distribuido más de 30,000 libras de alimentos no perecederos a familias que lo merecen en el área de los tres estados desde el inicio de su operación el otoño pasado.
"No es un creyente cuyo estómago se llena mientras el vecino a su lado se acuesta con hambre".
Profeta Mahoma PBUH
Jane from Booneville, IN
Thank you Mobile Food Pantry for helping us with good quality food in these difficult times. COVID-19 did not affect their weekly schedule. The volunteers were there with food bags dedicatedly, every week. You guys are doing an amazing job.
Hosae, Evansville, IN
Mobile Food Pantry does a wonderful job. The volunteers are very respectful and caring. Thank you for your dedication.
S Thomas, Evansville , IN
I was trying to get food for my family and me. I was waiting for my food-stamp case to get corrected and i gained another child to provide for. Mobile Food Pantry provided me with high quality food for me and my family. This helped me to get through my tough times. Thank you Mobile Food Pantry for being there for me and my family.
Susan from Booneville, IN
Mobile Food Pantry is doing an amazing job in our area. The volunteers are always on time , and they are very respectful. Thanks you for your great service.
John, Evansville, IN
I was going through a very tough time. Did not have food to eat. Someone told me about the Emergency Food Assistance Program. I called 1-888-61-WECARE. I got a quick response and my food bag was delivered to me. In these tough times Mobile Food Pantry is taking care of the ones in need. No questions asked. Thank you.
Stacie, Evansville , IN
My family was badly in need of food. I could not find any food. Called 1-888-61-WECARE, I got a bag of good quality food delivered to me since I cannot drive. Thank you for your generosity.
If you are 12-years and older you can help us at the food pantry. Anyone is welcome to show up between 2 pm and 5 pm every Sunday.
4211 Old State Route 261, Newburgh, IN 47630
1-888-61-NOS IMPORTA